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How To Get Confident INSTANTLY!

confidence decision-making self-development Mar 10, 2022


Confidence comes from the word confide. Meaning, ‘with trust’ and ‘have full trust’.

What does this mean if we are low on confidence?

Well, the biggest lesson is…

We can all be competent but if we are low on confidence, we do not trust we can prosper. 

When we don’t trust, we’re not going to do anything close to our deepest desires. 

Confidence is much more about what we GIVE to others than what we believe about ourselves.

You have the power to decide to be confident. In your physiology, in your thinking, with your emotions. 

Think about it for a moment…


Who is somebody you admire for being ‘ a confident person’?

Whoever you conjured up in your mind is likely somebody who TRUSTS others. They inspire you to trust them. 

Meaning you can only be confident if you have faith in other people. Wow! 

When you do not trust other people, you attract folk who do not trust you either. Being ill at ease attracts people who are also ill at ease. 

When you vibrate with trust, you are sympathetic to others. They place full trust in you. 

You believe what they say and they believe what you say. This is the basis of social order. Without trust, society would collapse. We’ll be heading back into barbarism. 

Confidence is a powerful force. Combined with patience it has the power to withstand uncertainties and emotional outbursts.

One final thought in my opening remarks…

“You cannot inspire confidence if you can’t feel confidence in others. You must have confidence in me to read this email so far knowing the answers are below.”


OK, so how do you develop confidence?

With the backdrop of knowing confidence comes from within…..


Here’s 6 ways for you to inject more confidence into your life and believe in yourself. 

  • Physical Motion

    Get moving! Every single emotion you experience is related to the way in which you are moving your body.

    If you work out, you’ll know exactly how powerful motion is to your confidence level. 

    Movement changes the biochemistry in your body to change the way you feel and THINK.

    And don’t hold back, move your body to a level that is uncomfortable. Then judge how this works for you.

    When you learn to embrace physical motion, you get momentum.

    When we lose momentum, we lose connection with our strength and who we are. Move forward even if you do not know the path to take.

    The discipline of consistent daily action takes you to your destiny. And when you have momentum, your vision expands. 


  • Make A Decision

    You do not need anything or anyone outside of you to inform you to “be more confident”.

    A moment of decision is enough.

    There’s an immense power that comes hand in hand with intention. Your intentions.

    Be the human being who decides “I am self-directed, I am confident in my own abilities.”

    When you become intentional, your creative juices flow and you’ll notice how much more you can create. You’ll inspire others. You’ll acknowledge others by trusting them. 


  • Be A Person of Honor

    In simple terms, have integrity for yourself. Integrity is knowing exactly who you are and what it is that you want. Honor for yourself is critical. 

    When was the last time you celebrated who you are?

    Make sure you sacrifice but not at the expense of alignment with your inner self and your dream outcomes. Confidence is about staying in our own integrity.

    When you act with integrity, you’ll develop the quality of inspiring confidence in others.

    Why? Because you uncover confidence in where you came from and how you were raised. 


  • Develop Your Core Competencies 

    If you are reading this, chances are you received some type of formal education. Some schooling, college, even further education.

    This education from teachers and mentors has given you immense prowess.

    You know, with patience and fortitude, you can use your skills and talents to inspire confidence in yourself and others. 

    A watch item here - most people undervalue their real abilities. We’re not talking about what is difficult for you, we’re talking about what is easy. So easy, you brush it off.

    You already have the skills, you already know you can get more skills. All you need to do now is share your competency with the world. 

    Remember: If you are ONLY competent but NOT confident, you’ll never succeed. 


  • Experiences 

    If you’re over the age of 18, you already have the skills to survive.

    You now have physical capability and mental capacity. A rich bank of experience upon which to draw confidence.

    If you are lucky, you have traveled. Possibly learned a language and hung out with people who are very different from those where you were raised.

    Here’s the deal with experience - it works! If experience was fruitless, you’d not be reading this email, you may not even be here at all. 


  • Connections & Alliances 

    One of the most important elements of confidence is the tribe you hang with.

    You need a community, a group of supporters and cheerleaders who value you for who you are.

    People who understand your mission. They are positive about the work you do and buoy you along. They even appreciate you for being alive.

    Find your new peer group. It could be online, local churches, seminars & events. Get yourself around people who desire to win together. Going it alone is a recipe for disaster.

    And be careful not to compete with yourself or this group. You must recognize each other's strengths and lift each other up. It’s a beautiful thing when you find your tribe.

We’re at the finish line….

Before I sign off, I heard this quote along the way… 

“When you sense confidence in others, you are sensing your OWN Strength”

Have a wonderful week.


Changing lives, together



P.S. When you’re ready... here's how you can grow your online coaching business

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